DISCLAIMER: these videos are for entertainment purposes only, DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF as it can be very dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing! golf clubs are also VERY DANGEROUS, as the iron can easily break off and seriously hurt you or someone else!
I am laughing so hard I cant stop laughing you crack me up
@Alvinsboys3 yeah, well… be sure to check out that salvation link on my channel.
Gotta love centrifugal force.
bad luck elmo!!!!!
can u smash justin bieber?
Make this your new smashing device.
I had one of those when I was a little kid.
This must be the first time in history vacuum cleaners were tumbled in a dryer!
Elmo deserves it, worst Sesame Street chartacter ever.
@Vacmasterthegreat usually people won’t watch a part 2 nearly as much as having only one video of a certain item. so I’ll purposely put off uploading a second part until it has been a while.
Die electrolux die!!!!
@pooface006 bad luck elmo!!!!!
can u smash justin bieber?
i think that would be the best video ever!! puting a beber poster in a dryer and haveing it go on fire
Thats what Elmo deserves when he talks gay.
elmo ,look what happens kiddies when you ride in the dryer
@MIKON8ERISBACK What? A tumble dryer full of vaccumes and elmos?
LOL Thats cool 🙂 Look at these Elmos, be smashet and crushed up like in a cartoon hahaha…
You crashed me with laughing and btw your videos rock!!!!
that would make a great alarm clock
nice dirtbike
@ALLERTORLOVER69 that one is scrap metal.
he just wasted 500$ on a dryer that he just ruined dude never put the colors with the solids
What if you tossed a bomb in that thing? ROFL!
@rhasti YouTube would remove it from the site if I did that.