Will the grey debris shot out from the vacuum cleaner come out of…

Ronda D need help to clarify doubt about: : Will the grey debris shot out from the vacuum cleaner come out of carpet?
My vacuum cleaner started smelling really bad and I noticed after using it on the carpet there were several “streaks of grey” in different areas of the carpet. We just bought a new vacuum cleaner since we figured the old one was worthless and I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I don’t know if the “grey stuff” is dust or some type of grease shot out by the vacuum. If you had this happen, did your new vacuum cleaner get rid of the streaks or is it better to use foam carpet cleaner? Thanks a lot!

Try this:

Answer by sunshineday
figure out if it is wet. if so your going to take corn starch and add water (room temp) til it becomes like a paste. pat it onto all of the affected areas and let it dry. once it dries break it up with a solid broom then vacuum. if the substance is dry you probably want to treat it like ashes. so get a business card a pluck it up and out til it dissipates. after the majority is spread out sweep it with LIGHT strokes to further spread it. then vacuum.

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