1. its all about making life easyer… ur probaly a stay at home mum. and thats ur job to vacuume stuff… i have to hammer stuff all day and it was hard at first but i got better at it.. u should be pro at vacuuming and cooking by now

  2. NOT convinced. I’ve owned bagless vacuums in the past, including dysons and I hate them all – the filters block VERY QUICKLY and when you empty the dust container you liberate the dust!! Since April 2009, I’ve proudly owned a bagged Bosch BSG8PRO1GB which works perfectly, is manoeuvrable and the suction is INCREDIBLY powerful, even as the bag fills!! When you eventually change the bag, the compartment around the dustbag is 100% clean, not a speck of dust. Finally its bags are NOT paper ones.

  3. I would not buy a vacuum from a guy who said took over a thousand tries. That’s the sure sign of a jackass.

  4. wouldnt u rather just throw out a bag? you are taking your dust container and dumping it into a bag, so whats the difference. it would take you 15 dumps of the dyson to fill a standard vacuum bag. do you really want to play with the dirt after you already sucked it up?? such a stupid idea.
    for some reason people who have dysons will give this a thumbs down and a hate comment, because they were stupid enough to spend $600 on a peice of plastic.
    I would love to hear how i am wrong,.

  5. @AJollyGoodFelon
    Edison on the lightbulb: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

  6. Carpets are just storage for dirt and grime, I have wooden floors and a brush and shovel, They can out perform Dyson anyday and dont use electricity.

  7. @TheChalkychalk yeah but wood costs a lot and can warp on you. Nothing like hearing creaks while you walk around


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