1. You know how the older fans blow more air than the newer fans today. I think this is the same deal here. The older vaccums have better suction than the newer ones today.

  2. I always wanted one of these as a kid. I have the vhs they send you when you call the tv add. I have the tape for this, the thunder/domestic, and the fury (which we actually owned)

  3. why could dyson not put a proper power head on their cleaners the dco2 was useless there were so many complaints oveer here about them on a programme called watchdog, if they had used their brains and put a powerhead on it maybe they might have had a better response, but then it was a dyson yukky rubbish

  4. I have this exact vacuum… I really like the power head on it…I see that other vacuum cleaner co are trying to replicate this design. I wonder if the fantom co was still making vacs, how even more popular they would be in leading the way for bagless cleaning.

  5. I wonder wether dyson have sold the rights to this model! They had Hoover in court 10 years ago for cloning the DC04

  6. Don’t let they Dyson guy fool you. He didn’t think of the idea. If you look at their history you will find that Dyson bought Fantom and took over their technology.

  7. @joeuncoolio : total rubbish!

    Dyson went to the U.S to find a company to merge with. He did not take over Amway who at that time OWNED Fantom. The merger did not work. Amway wanted their own Dyson vacuum and illegally made the Fantom vacs from Dyson.
    It resulted in court action and shortly after Fantom were forced to take those machines off the market.

    If it was the case that Dyson owned the company you can be sure all the current Fantoms would have been Dysons, but they’re not.

  8. @joeuncoolio No actually if you would read james book Iona(fantom) bought his technology and marketed it here while he produced his Dyson in the UK>


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