Oreck XL Ultra Vacuum Cleaner Infomercial Part 3

Filmed and call-in customer testimonials demonstrate the durability of the Oreck XL Ultra vacuum cleaner. With advanced filtration used in hospital surgical masks and gowns, and the Helping Hand® handle receiving the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use Award combined with a 30-day risk-free trial and free shipping, you’ll see why, when it comes to the Oreck XL Ultra, you’ll have nothing to lose but the dirt in your home and air.


  1. why would u dump a bagless vacuum in the house? why not go OUTSIDE and DUMP it in the TRASH then u dont have to worry and my dyson gets so low into the trash no dust comes out of the trash can what are u talking about clean ur filter is simple and ur not keeping the dust on ur hands cus u are CLEANING it

  2. I hate bag-less vacuums because you have to dump it to much but with a bag you don’t.
    With a bag there is no dust but bag-less it puts to much dust in the air and that’s not good.

  3. @fancysnake1 You need to disregard Zunehdrocks last post.The video he sent you to watch is a fake rigged video from a chees shark vacuum store owner.Its not a real fair test.The Oreck is one of the cleanest vacuums to own and run.It easily outperforms all Dyson vacuums except the DC28 in which they deep clean pretty close.The Oreck uses a nice thick hepa cloth bag that is vastly claener than a bagless design.Plus the New Pilot is just a dream to operate and use.

  4. @fancysnake1 Lol!! A lot of people that jumped on the bagless train 10 years ago or so when they were getting popular have went back to bagged vacuums because of how unsanitairy and dirty there are to clean and operate.Bagged vacuum sales have went up over the last few years.Hepa synthetic cloth bags that alot of them use are recyclable bags.So your not poluting the earth.The Oreck carbon bags are these type:)


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