1. Oh Blair, that toy looks like so much fun. Just wait until you live with a pug! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

  2. still laughing…
    (but i’m thinking he could probably get hurt if his tongue got stuck bad)

  3. ok, that’s hilarious!!! I laughed a LOT. I love the -thwup- sound when his lips or ears got sucked in.

  4. That is so funny! My bassett hound does the same thing! He also does it to the weed wacker and the lawn mower. Needless to say he stays in the house when I do yard work.

  5. Clear evidence that this breed was specifically raised to be ridiculously and constantly hilarious. You cannot look at this dog without smirking.

  6. 1:48 is the best part, he gives his all, then just looks at you “ok, im done can you please help me now”

  7. ok blair is my favorite dog in the world now. I have watched his video’s and i just love this doggy!

  8. How adorable. It’s when he keeps licking it and getting hogs tongue sucked. My basset is a right wimp but Blair is brave!


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