1. Хочу такой паропылесос, стоит ли его брать? Говорят очень тяжелый.

  2. Hi alexey! I have 200m2 hard floor I don’t have any carpets cz they are very hard for cleaning ( I have cat). So it takes me about 2 hours to vacuum, wash and then rins the floor. Do you think this model can save me some time by vacuuming and washing the floor at same time ? Is it good for hard floors ? Thanks in advance!

  3. @qasaia
    no. i thnk it cant save ur time. its heavy and it takes a time for serv . but its good for hard floor.
    by the way, i have a cat too, and a little baby (6 mnth). so my vacu helps me to avoid problems with allergy. 🙂 good luck

  4. @alexey7777777
    Hi Alexey, when you clean the carpet, is it wet and floor too or not?

  5. @janajemalova
    hi. no.
    there is control vapor strength and vacoo pressure, so ur floor could be wet 🙂

  6. Классное музыкальное сопровождение! Большая просьба! Что за музыкальный трек играет здесь?

  7. i just bought an se 4001 and it wont spray or suck water at all??? and its a brand new machine…can u tell me wat cud b wrong wid it?

  8. @BennyJennyJ1

    Maybe air gets into water extracting pump. You need manually fill water in pump and switch it on before water is going on. Usually after several times it begins working…

  9. @DmitriyLyzhin ok it finally is working perfectly…i mean the suction pump completely sucks almost all da water….but im noticing that the whole room seems a little misty or smokey to me when ever i turn it on??? and i dont get wat’s wrong wid it?
    can u tell me wats the mechanism inside it?…cuz im really confused why im getting a misty feel in da room?…cuz even the bucket is less than half full?? please help

  10. @BennyJennyJ1
    Does this mean that the smokey have the smell of burnt wiring?
    Also сheck the correct installation of the bucket or filter.
    I really dont have any idea why this happens.
    Maybe it is vaporization humidity after wet cleaning?

  11. @DmitriyLyzhin no there’s no smell..but i noticed dat there were a few drops of water falling around where the bucket is fixed to the motor???and then i switched it off and wiped the water away…i tried it on two days later and it was working fi9…but again i noticed the room going misty? but yet it worked fi9…?

  12. @BennyJennyJ1
    Hi, there is nothing you can do for this bad smell because it’s the normal when you have dirt and moisture inside your cleaner it acts like a culture and all of the fungi and bacteria grow there and give you this funny smell. It seems that it’s the problem whenever dirt is mixed with water and even German technology can’t prevent this. May be a diluted solution of bleach for preventing growth of organism can help you prevent this but ask the company before doing that.

  13. @BennyJennyJ1

    Hi, there is nothing you can do for this bad smell because it’s the normal when you have dirt and moisture inside your cleaner it acts like a culture and all of the fungi and bacteria grow there and give you this funny smell. It seems that it’s the problem whenever dirt is mixed with water and even German technology can’t prevent this. May be a diluted solution of bleach for preventing growth of organism can help you prevent this but ask the company before doing that.


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