Related Literature about A Vacuum Cleaner..?

“†Abs0lutE↨Zer0↨AngeL†“ need help to clarify doubt about: : Related Literature about A Vacuum Cleaner..?
Can someone give me some related studies and readings about a Vacuum Cleaner…Please indicate your source….

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Answer by Chopstick wannabee
ah… the illustrious vacuum cleaner. the marvel of modern man over dust.
ok. so there was a strange old man named Ives W. Mcgaffney who lived in chicago during the mid 1800’s. Now he invented a machine he dubbed “Whirlwind” that would clean your floors and leave them spotless. it was a straight away success so he obtained a patent in 1869 and enlisted the help of The American Carpet Cleaning Co. of Boston to market it to the public.
from then on it was sold to many people and the idea copied. and yeah.

sorry for cutting it short. i have to leave. everything else should be in the links.

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