1. I would venture a guess that the fire went out more because it had consumed all the fuel than because he vacuumed it.

  2. What a shocker. When you have a gas fire, eventually the gas evaporates and the fire loses it’s fuel source.

    The guy should be lucky he didn’t really hurt himself doing this idiotic “stunt.”

  3. By the way people the dude in the video has a channel it is called :


    He loves to blow things up with his own personal high voltage transformers!

  4. I knew Oreck was good, but i didnt know it was that good….maybe Orecks’ marketing execs…should check this out. lol

  5. When I was in college in Crawfordsville, Indiana, some idiot tried to use a wet vac to clean up spilled gasoline in his garage. The explosion killed him and took out a good portion of the attached house.


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