Vacuum Request: Hoover Runabout

This is also one of my favorite vacuums. The first vacuum I ever saw was a blue Hoover with a cloth bag. I think I will always like vacuums with front cloth bags, like this one and my other Elites. Said in a better way, The Hoover Elite soft bag group of vacuums is one of my very favorites. One “wish” I have it to own all the different styles of soft bag Elites made since their start. And that’s alot of vacuums! What I was trying to say at the end of the video is that amperage means absolutely nothing, and that I can’t understand how the 7.2’s/7.3’s are the exact same thing as the 3-6.0’s, yet the power in the older ones is much better. Also, how come it took 13 years and another 6 Amps on this Runabout to have as much power as my 1989 Elite 5.0? It wasn’t like technology and advancements in design improved, they are the exact same machine minus the hose port.


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