What is the best stick vacuum for cleaning up cat hair?

I have some rugs in my house that I need to vacuum, I don’t want a regular vacuum because they are too heavy and seem to be a bit much for a couple of rugs and hard floor. I’m also on a budget. I am wondering if there is a stick vacuum that is good for pet hair on rugs and for hard floors?


  1. The Eureka 421A EZ Kleen Bagless Stick Vacuum – I purchased mine for around $45.99 from Target and could not have been happier. I, too, only have a small amount of carpeted area in my place, and the rest is hardwood floors, and this cleaner tranferred from one surface to the other with ease, never missing a hair. It not only is lightweight and easy to store, but picked up the hair for both my pets…a long haired Shetland Sheep Dog, and a Burmese Cat.

    I highly recommend looking into this one.

  2. Dyson is the best, but they’re expensive. I paid about $460 for mine. I’ve owned a lot of different vacuum cleaners and Dyson is far superior. In my opinion, mine was worth every penny I paid for it.

    The Bissel Pet Hair Eraser – A Pet-Specific Vaccuum Review I love mine, and am even happier about the price!  See the review yourself. 🙂

  4. I also use a Bissell Eraser for my cats, but I actually used a Emer and it worked a lot better. Another hint about cat hairs…I used to have a rug that would accumulate a layer of brown cat hair and I’d rub it off with dryer sheets or a rubber broom.

    Those tools are lighter than stick vacuums but requires getting down to the floor some. It’s much more efficient but not a lot of people are good with the "down and dirty" part. 🙁 hope that helps!


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