1. i had no idea there was a vacuum sound fetish ’til i saw the comments here… wow. the sound helps me relax and fall asleep.

  2. i have no fetish for this. it deffo made sleep well : ] happy days……..well nights actually

  3. @alexander1t 38+ years of listening to this one vac… no deaths yet… Agents of peace and love have been dispatched to your ip location. Do not resist, float up to the clouds and breath deeply… relax, chill.

    If you relax enough, be aware enough, focus enough, quiet enough and finally non dual, then perhaps, if you are lucky, teachers will appear to you. Lucidity helps practice this calm awareness… I’m just guessing


  4. @lucidtv do you have 8hrs of a clothes dryer? Thats my favorite noise. I use to wake up when my turned off. I cant stand to listen to 3 mins of 99.1 kggi but I could listen to this like it was Bach!

  5. 09:09:14 is the best part ♥ compare it with the 9 hours before and you will give me right

  6. I got to 40 minutes, and now I swear to God I can still hear it playing even after turning it off for twenty minutes.

  7. wow this vacuum last forever? 😀 it lasts for hours and hours! of non stop wow 😀


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