Bobsweep, the intelligent floor cleaner-Vacuum and Mop Bobsweep, the intelligent floor cleaner has many advantages compared to robot vacuum cleaners. Bobsweep has many features and functionalities such as edge detection, obstacle detection, smart navigation system, ability to work on different surfaces and adjusting to them, self-charging capability (finds its charging station), etc. Bobsweep can mop and sterilize the floors at the same time as vacuuming them. Bobsweep has an extra large dustbin which is three times larger than the dustbin used on most advanced robot vacuum cleaners. Bobsweep’s brush is about 50 percent larger than other robotic vacuums which makes it clean a larger area in a shorter time. Bobsweep, can be controlled by a remote control. With three ayers of HEPA filtration, Bobsweep can absorb allergens and fine particles and reduce allergies.



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